July 4, 2022

5 Ways Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) Overcomes Healthcare Document Processing Challenges

Processing healthcare records can be a challenge due to a lack of automation. Learn how Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) helps overcome this problem.

Billing record processing is an integral part of everyday operations for healthcare providers. They generate a significant amount of bills both from patients and internal operations. Many of these bills also contain sensitive information about patients and their health, which need careful handling.

However, manual processes are resource-intensive and remain prone to errors. Furthermore, increasing compliance requirements by regulators require you to have advanced security measures for healthcare records.

What do you do in such a case? One of the best ways to overcome this problem is by automating your document processing system. This article looks at exactly how you can go about doing that.

Document Processing Challenges faced by Healthcare Businesses

Here are the various billing record processing challenges you will likely face in the absence of automation.

Slow Process

Manual processing of billing records is a slow and time-consuming activity. It requires a lot of human effort, which involves manual collection, sorting, scanning, and indexing of documents. The process also includes a manual review of documents to ensure accuracy in data extraction. You can improve this process by automating it using intelligent document processing that improves efficiency and reduces errors.

Inadvertent Errors

Manual processing of billing records can lead to unintentional errors because of the time taken to complete the work. Your staff will need to read through and interpret the information, which can be challenging. It is especially when there is a lot of information to process at once.

In addition to being difficult, it is also time-consuming. The staff may need to spend hours reading through billing records before they can begin typing up their interpretation of the information.

Low-Quality Scans

The quality of scanned documents is critical. A poorly scanned billing record can cause problems in document processing. The most common problem is when the scanned document is not clear enough. It can result in several errors and extra work for employees who need to make corrections again.

The second most common problem is when a document has too much noise, meaning that it has lots of black dots or other issues that make it difficult for employees to read. If your organization has poor-quality documents, it will be more likely to lose money because you will end up paying for extra labor costs due to these issues.

Collaboration Issues

Manual billing records processing can also lead to collaboration issues, which can cause delays and make it harder for patients to get access to the care they need. The problem starts in the way that data is collected. When doctors and nurses have to enter information into an electronic system, they often don't collaborate as much as they should.

When billing records get submitted for review, there can be errors that need correction or missing information that requires an addition. Even when medical professionals collaborate on documents, it can still take longer than necessary because of the manual nature of the process.

Security Issues

When it comes to the security of your patient records, you want to ensure you're doing everything you can. In fact, your organization's data privacy and security policies may even require you to follow precise procedures when handling patient information.

Manual processing can lead to problems ranging from data breaches and loss to poor record-keeping and medical errors. For example, there can be a mistake in name, age, or address. It could lead to someone else receiving treatment or the wrong patient getting discharged from the hospital.

How Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) Helps Overcome these Challenges?

Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) is a revolutionary technology whose market size will reach the size of USD 4.15 Billion by 2026 at a CAGR of 37%. Here are some reasons you cannot afford to miss leveraging IDP for billing records automation.

Reduces Operational Costs

IDP scans records and automatically extracts information from them. It reduces the time taken for a document to move through the system. Your staff does not have to spend as much time on tasks like data entry, which saves them from redundant work. IDP also makes it easier to find the information they need quickly and efficiently.

Prevents Costly Mistakes

Mistakes can be common when you handle a high volume of billing records. IDP helps prevent them by automating the document processing tasks, including scanning and indexing. Whether you're a large organization or small healthcare facility, IDP ensures quick and accurate processing of billing records.

Improves Workflow

IDP improves document processing workflow by allowing for faster and more accurate processing of billing records with increased efficiency. It allows for real-time image recognition, which automates manual processes that take a lot of time and effort. There will be less human error, which leads to more accurate workflows and consistent results.

Ensures Easy Data Access

IDP ensures easy access to billing records. It extracts, organizes, and arranges billing records to enable easy access. This method is already in use at several medical institutions and hospitals. The main is to ensure that required billing records remain available in one place. It helps you overcome the problem of misplacing or losing important documents while filing them away in different locations.

Enhances Data Security

IDP helps organizations deal with their paper billing records more efficiently and securely. An IDP system identifies documents as they arrive and processes them automatically. It will further store them securely for easy access later. IDP systems also make it easier for organizations to locate documents when needed for legal or regulatory purposes, which ensures compliance with laws.

Use cases of IDP for the healthcare industry

Here are various ways through which IDP benefits the healthcare industry, including billing record automation.

Automated Patient Registration

IDP automates the patient registration process, which is the first step in creating a new patient record. It uses ML algorithms to analyze documents and extract relevant information. IDP reads handwritten forms and extracts information like names, addresses, birthdays, and phone numbers. You can use it to create new records based on existing data.

Automated Patient Record Integration

IDP integrates patient records across multiple facilities and databases. Instead of manually collecting and inputting data, IDP automatically gathers information from all your sources and seamlessly integrates it into your database. There is no manual input required.

Improved Compliance

With stringent GDPR and HIPAA regulations, healthcare organizations must remain compliant. IDP makes it easy for you to stay on top of compliance by checking every document and image for GDPR and HIPAA regulations. It ensures they get anonymized or pseudonymized when needed. Your documents will be perfectly compliant before they go out the door.

Digitized Workflows

IDP digitizes physical documents and moves their data into digital storage systems such as Electronic Health Records (EHR). You can also transfer the data from physical documents into research papers, lab notes, medical records, etc. It reduces the costs of maintaining paper-based records while also increasing the efficiency and accuracy of your workflows.

Accounts Payable Automation

IDP helps you digitize and automate invoice processing, approvals, and payments. An IDP system can scan paper documents and automatically route them through the appropriate channels for approval or payment. Once approved, they can be sent back out electronically or printed on demand. With IDP, you can eliminate manual data entry and streamline your invoicing process by automating the entire process from start to finish.

Bottom Line

VisionERA is an intelligent billing record automation platform that will help you scale your healthcare institution’s operations in no time. Backed by artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) algorithms, and natural language processing (NLP), VisionERA will seamlessly automate your workflows. It will help your healthcare staff overcome redundant manual processes that kill productivity. The platform also offers rich insights that ultimately help you promote data-driven decision-making. Disparate and messy documents in various formats and types will be a thing of the past when you integrate VisionERA into your existing systems.

VisionERA offers a 100% performance guarantee with advanced accuracy and speed. If you want to process your medical records swiftly and with improved accuracy, look no further than VisionERA.

If you are looking to know more details about VisionERA, contact us today. We will schedule a free platform demo.

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