August 12, 2022

Why Enhancing Document Processing in Manufacturing Businesses is a Must in Today’s Competitive Environment?

A manufacturing firm is a coordinated effort across several divisions, such as production, research, development, finance, quality control, etc. The most incredible difficulty is in speeding up the process and automating as much as possible to minimize the order time from inception to final closing. We will investigate how an intelligent document processing platform in manufacturing may help with this issue.

Within the time frame of prediction, the market for intelligent document processing is projected to grow at a CAGR of 35.2% to reach around US$ 4.1 Billion by 2027.


Manufacturing is essential in every sector of the economy. It is an industry that supplies completed goods to those in need, such as the automotive or electronics sectors. There are, however, persistent problems that the sector is currently working to address.

Document handling, filing, and retrieval are all problems that might arise in a manufacturing organization. It's a necessary evil that must be finished on schedule whenever there are modifications to the system. As a result, industrial businesses that are looking to optimize and automate their paperwork may greatly benefit from using a document automation system that takes into account the dynamic nature of the papers they encounter on a daily basis.

Manufacturing Departments that need a Document Automation

Each of the manufacturing departments is responsible for a particular set of tasks. Each of these divisions handles a separate set of documents and follows a unique workflow. The volume and complexity of today's papers need an immediate automated solution for document processing. Some subfields of the manufacturing sector are:

  • Department of Manufacturing Systems
  • Engineering Department of Personnel
  • Finance Department
  • Department of Engineering and Research Development
  • Department of New Product Quality

Numerous papers, from purchase orders to financial ledgers and reports, are processed manually. As a result, the resources of the teams involved in this manual procedure are often overburdened. A large portion of their time is spent on non-core activities, such as data extraction and verification since they cannot afford to outsource these processes.

Data extraction and verification are greatly facilitated by an IDP platform, automating the process and providing a more polished result. Processing large volumes of unstructured documents and performing activities like data extraction and verification automatically is possible with an IDP.

The operator's only contribution is the batch of documents and their associated truth source. Each of these documents may have unique data extracted from them, and you do not need any programming experience to achieve so. Using an IDP may expect your data to be standardized, separated, and consistent. A human being is always there to help out, and the platform is designed to learn from your comments. Thanks to this feature, the platform can adapt to new situations as they arise throughout document processing.

An IDP is an efficient update for the industrial sector since it can handle large volumes of unstructured documents in a single pass.

The Upsides of IDP

It used to be that processing documents required either human labor or optical character recognition. However, there are many benefits to using intelligent document processing technology to improve document processing. That would be:

Processing Speed: The overall processing speed is increased by a factor of infinity when using these automated methods compared to traditional methods of doing the same thing by hand. Additionally, unlike an OCR, they are not constrained by a predefined data structure or template. Alternatively, the speed with which documents are processed is dramatically increased if an IDP is implemented inside the pre existing infrastructure.

Handling Enormous Documents: When done in bulk, processing documents may be a breeze. However, the enormous volume of papers necessitating extraction and verification nowadays makes this task very challenging. An IDP makes it possible to input large batches of documents simultaneously.

Error Free: These IDP systems have been designed to eliminate any opportunities for human error. This occurs because the technology fully automates the steps involved in data extraction and verification. Since this process does not need to be overseen by a person, the data provided by the platform is guaranteed to be accurate.

Unstructured Documents: The wide variety of document formats, structures, typefaces, etc., poses a significantly greater challenge to document processing than the presence of any one issue. This is a significant factor in explaining why older OCR forms could not interpret complex documents. Any document from any source may be processed using an IDP.

Digitalization: As a whole, humanity is jumping on the digitalization train. This is because it requires less effort to archive and retrieve the information. Because the IDP's output is often in digital file formats like Excel or CSV, it is effectively a tool for digitizing data. This information may be kept in the cloud or sent to a document management system.

Accuracy: IDP platforms are created to make sure there are no mistakes. When an unexpected event occurs that the platform cannot resolve, an alert is sent to the operator. Once an issue has been resolved, the platform remembers how to do it independently and continues improving its accuracy without any more assistance.

Greater Openness: The IDP data is converted into information by being separated, sorted, and cataloged. Existing teams no longer have to sift through piles of paper to get the needed information.

VisionERA Comes to the Rescue

VisionERA is the cutting edge of document intelligence platforms. Data extraction, verification, and processing of unstructured documents are all capabilities inherent to it since it is an IDP.

Developed utilizing unique technologies including artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision, it is an OS-independent solution that can also be hosted on the cloud. Its continuous feedback loop mechanism allows it continually learn and develop. Moreover, the platform may function with no initial samples at all.

VisionERA may be put into any current infrastructure because of its plug-n-play functionality and smooth interaction with multiple environments. It is underpinned by the human-AI alliance approach making it a fantastic choice for anybody with minimal coding skills. The platform offers bespoke DIY processes, making it industry-neutral and using case-neutral solutions. VisionERA may be applied everywhere that demands intensive document processing, and it can be simply molded as per the requirements.

Closing Argument

In manufacturing, document automation is often related to the payables department. Of course, many additional sections also produce a great deal of paperwork. In every case where large volumes of unstructured documents need data extraction and verification, an IDP platform is the optimal answer. It acts as a go-between for raw document data and the processed information needed for production, reporting, accounting, maintenance, etc.

Are you looking for further VisionERA information? Schedule a demonstration with us by clicking on the call to action button.

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