August 23, 2022

Checkbox Detection for Logistics Industry

Get to know about checkbox detection for logistics & the many benefits you can get from it with the help of AI.

In this age of digital transformation, information extraction has become one of the top business interests. Information extraction involves converting unstructured data sources, such as scanned invoices and bills, into structured data using Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision. Optical character recognition and document layout analysis are the main procedures we use in this case. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) determines text from images, while Document Layout Analysis (DLA) identifies headers, paragraphs, lines, words, tables, key-value pairs, etc., from documents.

What Exactly is Checkbox Detection?

With the use of OCR and Deep Learning, any document can now be analyzed for text. The open-source community has created many valuable frameworks and languages to assist in the resolution of this issue. However, certain information remains complex, such as the non-textual data found in checkboxes, charts, and labels. Checkbox detection refers to recognizing checkboxes in a document and retrieving their status (marked/unmarked ). Imagine the following scenario: You wish to extract information from a medical appointment document that includes questions with multiple-choice questions and checkboxes. When there are a large number of files, manually recording the results of multiple questions is a difficult task. As a result, before we can analyze or digitize this form, we must first extract the data from the scanned page. Here is where checkbox detection comes into play. Computer vision can be used to detect checkbox regions in documents for checkbox detection. In this process, simple filters are applied to detect edges using various techniques.


How can Computer Vision be used to Extract Information from Checkboxes?

So our discussion has so far focused on checkbox detection and what it means. This section examines the problem of recognizing checkboxes in scanned images using computer vision. Make sure you have Python and OpenCV installed on your local PC before proceeding. Alternatively, you can use an online Google Collab notebook. The first thing you need to learn is how to recognize a checkbox in a picture. Contours are used to detect and identify horizontal, vertical, and edge lines and edges. Sorting these checkboxes requires first separating noise, skew, and orientation concerns. Let's take a step-by-step look at this concept.

Image Creation

Before you start detecting, you need to try to isolate our objects of interest (checkboxes) from the backdrop and, if possible, from other things in the scene.


The most basic method of preparing an image for object detection is thresholding. The threshold process converts an image into a binary image by turning pixels above a threshold white and the rest black. Based on the distribution of intensity values, Otsu's approach automatically selects an acceptable threshold.

Image with a Threshold

With the key elements identified and any potential background noise removed, the image is now ready for further processing. Can we, however, do better?


The thresholded image still contains some aspects that are not necessary for our goals. Checkboxes should be represented by vertical and horizontal lines rather than text labels. The items can be removed by opening them. When a structural piece is opened, everything outside its dimensions is removed. The process involves successive steps of dilation and erosion.

Edge Detection

The second option is to use edge detection to separate the checkboxes if they have a strong contrast with the backdrop. The edge detection process finds image regions with rapidly changing intensity levels. The Canny edge detector is specifically used in edge detection . As opposed to some other simpler detectors, the Canny detector employs additional noise filtering and discards candidates with thin or shallow edges (i.e. likely to be image artifacts).

The techniques above are simple for detecting simple checkboxes in any given image. To improve accuracy, you may need to pre-process the image if you uncover complex checkboxes.

Deep Learning Techniques for Automatic Checkbox Recognition

Deep Learning algorithms have beaten all standard machine learning techniques throughout the years, notably for information extraction algorithms. These algorithms are commonly employed in the processing of text-based data such as bills, receipts, forms, documents, and many more. However, creating these algorithms from scratch needs a great deal of experimentation and experience. In this section, we will go through all of the stages needed in creating a solid neural network architecture capable of detecting checkboxes and checkbox states.

A dataset must be collected or prepared in order to develop any deep learning model. It is the quality of the dataset that determines the model's accuracy. A dataset's robustness and consistency are therefore critical for creating cutting-edge models. It is difficult, however, to find public datasets for training from scratch on tasks like automatic checkbox detection. The simplest way to produce one is to build one. Checkboxes that are checked and unchecked do not need to be annotated or scanned. Rather than manually cropping checkboxes from scanned documents, you can use computer vision and OCR algorithms.

Data loaders are used to import vetted datasets after they have been vetted. It may be significantly easier to do this if you use Python-based frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, or Keras, which provide a variety of classes and methods for us to import and use right away. In order to train deep learning models, you will need to submit both the input images and their annotations. OCR and Deep Learning Model Training are at the heart of the deep learning algorithm. The checkbox data will be analyzed and extracted using a deep learning model (primarily CNNs). There is no need to start from scratch; you can leverage pre-trained deep learning models and weights or create your own.

How does Checkbox Detection Relate to Logistics and Supply Chains?

Organizations in the logistics and supply chain industries are under constant pressure to improve efficiency and optimize their operations. They must be able to quickly and accurately process large volumes of documents, such as invoices, orders, and shipping manifests. Manual document processing is time-consuming and error-prone. It can lead to delays in shipments, which can have a ripple effect on the entire supply chain. Organizations need a smarter way to handle their documents.

Checkbox detection relies heavily on computer vision and machine learning to automate the capture, classification, and extraction of data from documents. IDP can help logistics and supply chain companies improve their efficiency and accuracy while reducing costs.

How can Checkbox Detection Play an Important Role in Intelligent Document Processing for the Logistics and Supply Chain?

In the world of logistics and supply chains, document processing can be a major pain point. There are countless documents that need to be processed, from invoices and purchase orders to shipping manifests and customs declarations. This can create a huge administrative burden for companies, leading to inefficiencies and delays.

Fortunately, there is a solution: checkbox detection coupled with intelligent document processing capabilities. IDP is a technology that enables companies to automatically extract data from documents, eliminating the need for manual data entry. This can dramatically improve efficiency and accuracy in document processing, giving companies a competitive edge.

There are many different IDP solutions on the market, so it's important to choose one that's right for your company. Talk to your vendors and partners to see if they offer IDP solutions, or consult with an expert to find the best solution for your needs. Implementing IDP can help you take your logistics and supply chain operations to the next level.

Benefits of IDP in Logistics and Supply Chain

Logistics and supply chain companies are always looking for ways to improve efficiency and optimize their operations. Intelligent document processing can provide many benefits for these businesses, including reducing costs, increasing accuracy, and improving customer satisfaction.

Reducing Costs

One of the biggest benefits of intelligent document processing is that it can help reduce costs. By automating the process of document capture, data entry, and classification, businesses can save a significant amount of time and money. In addition, by eliminating the need for manual data entry, businesses can also reduce their chances of making errors.

Increasing Accuracy

Another benefit of intelligent document processing is that it can help increase accuracy. By using optical character recognition (OCR) and intelligent character recognition (ICR) technologies, businesses can automatically extract information from documents with a high degree of accuracy. This means that businesses can avoid having to manually review and enter data, which can lead to errors.

Improving Customer Satisfaction

In addition to reducing costs and increasing accuracy, intelligent document processing can also help improve customer satisfaction. By automating the process of document capture and data entry, businesses can provide their customers with faster turnaround times and more accurate information. This can lead to happier customers.

Why do you need to Choose VisionERA IDP for Logistics and Supply Chain Companies?

The process of document processing can be costly and error-prone in logistics and the supply chain. Document data extraction, processing, and comprehension can be expedited and improved exponentially through intelligent document processing solutions powered by AI, such as VisionERA IDP. By using VisionERA Intelligent Document Processing, you can transform unstructured data into structured, high-quality data that can be analyzed easily. Through VisionERA IDP, logistics and supply chain firms can improve operational efficiency and profitability.


Checkbox detection will enable firms to save money on manual labor while utilizing their entire workforce. It is possible to simplify checkbox detection with IDP platforms like VisionERA, allowing enterprises to achieve their goals faster and more easily.

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