September 1, 2022

What is the Process of Analyzing Data to Extract Information not Offered by the Raw Data Alone?

This article looks at how you can extract information from sources other than raw data. We also show how you can extract data from multiple tables.

Businesses around the world need accurate data analysis to make decisions, spot trends and effectively market their services. However, you will know that manually sorting data is an arduous process. Thankfully, data extraction allows businesses to gather data automatically from files and databases.

In some cases, however, you may also want to extract information available in sources other than raw data. So how do you go about doing that? Furthermore, another vital query that most users have is about knowing the operation that allows data extraction from more than one table.

To help you get answers to your queries, we bring this comprehensive guide that covers several other aspects. We will also cover the data extraction and data mining processes and what they mean for your business.

The Process of Analyzing Data to Extract Information not Offered by the Raw Data Alone

The process of analyzing data that helps extract information other than that offered by raw data is data mining. It is a process of analyzing data to discover patterns, trends, and associations between variables. Data mining is an exploratory research methodology that involves examining large quantities of data and looking for previously unnoticed patterns.

Data mining finds its use for predictive analysis, which helps businesses plan better for the future. This is why it's often called predictive analytics or predictive modelling. The goal of data mining is to extract information from huge amounts of data to make better business decisions. 

Data mining has become a crucial part of today's business world as it allows companies to use their resources better and remain competitive with other businesses in the industry.

Some Examples of Data Mining include:

  • Using credit card records to predict which customers will default on their loans.
  • Predicting which products are likely to appeal most to customers based on their shopping history.
  • Identifying trends in stock market prices over time that helps investors benefit from those trends.

Why is Data Mining Critical for Businesses?

Data mining is essential as it allows you to make better decisions, which leads to more profit. It also allows you to see trends in your customer base and understand what customers are buying and why they are buying it. You can know how to best market yourself and change your products or services to meet customers' needs.

Data mining also helps you identify which customers are likely to churn and why they would do so. You can take precautionary steps to prevent that from happening. Ultimately, data mining allows you to understand your customers better than before. It helps you grow more efficiently by ensuring you meet your customers' needs.

How does the Data Mining Process Work?

The data mining process involves four stages. Let’s look at them in detail.

Data Gathering

It is the first step, where you collect all the relevant information you want to analyze. You can do it through one or more forms of data collection. You can use tools like web crawlers (which search online for content) or APIs (which allow access to private information). The other option is to enter the data manually.

Once you have all of your sources, you need to organize them into a single place and prepare them for analysis. You can do it with tools like spreadsheets and databases, which allow users to organize information into rows and columns that are easy for computers to understand.

Data Preparation

When you prepare the data for analysis, you need to ensure it is cleaned, transformed, and aggregated. The first step in data preparation is cleansing, which involves removing erroneous and irrelevant information from the database. It includes information like null values, duplicate entries, and missing values.


You would also want to transform the data into a format suitable for data mining algorithms. For example, if the original dataset contains string values, you might need to convert them into numeric values for analysis by an algorithm.


Aggregating data is the next step that helps the analysis process become more efficient. For example, if a database contains multiple rows with similar attributes, you can combine them into one row. Analysis can happen together rather than individually, which requires more processing power.

Data Mining

You need to choose the appropriate data mining technique once you have gathered and prepared the information for analysis. When we look at machine learning applications, we need to train algorithms on related datasets. It will help you prepare better before your run the algorithm against the entire dataset.


More training data leads to better results because there are more examples for algorithms to learn from. However, this doesn’t mean that using too much data will make things better every time. If there are too many examples, algorithms may not differentiate between them all and may end up learning things that aren’t helpful when making predictions.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Data analysis is the process of analyzing data to uncover patterns, trends, and other vital information. It involves looking at your data with a critical eye and interpreting the results. The goal of data analysis is to make sense of your data by answering questions such as: "What do all these numbers mean?" or "Is there anything meaningful here?"


Interpretation is the process of explaining or understanding something using evidence from research or experience. It involves making connections between events and drawing conclusions from them. Interpreting your data involves asking questions like: "Do these results show anything interesting? Do they tell us anything about our customers?"

What is Data Extraction?

Data extraction is the process of taking data from a source and putting it into a new form. In this case, it is about taking data from a source and putting it in a spreadsheet or database. When you're looking at extracting data, you need to figure out the information you want to get out of the source material. You then need to choose an appropriate method for extracting that information.

Data extraction tools help extract data from different sources like websites and applications. The data extraction from these sources happens in an automated way and gets stored in a database for future use.

Why is Data Extraction important for Businesses?

Data extraction is crucial because it helps you make better decisions, create more engaging experiences, and increase revenue. It is a process that allows you to collect information from customers and use that data to understand their needs. It is critical because it helps you find new ways to improve your products and services. 

By understanding their customers' needs, you can create products that meet those needs and provide better value than competitors. Data extraction also helps you create engaging experiences for customers. For example, if you collect information on what type of products your customers like, you can create a list of recommendations for their future purchases. 

It becomes easier for your customers to find things they enjoy while also creating an experience that feels personalized. Data extraction also helps increase revenue by allowing you to offer targeted promotions and discounts based on what customers want at any given time. You can attract more customers who are interested in what you are offering.

What are the Different Types of Data Extraction?

Data extraction can be full and incremental depending upon your business requirements. Let’s look at them in detail.

Full Extraction

The full data extraction happens when data gets extracted from the source system without any conditions. When you have a requirement to export all the data from one system, you need to use full extraction. In such cases, even if there are no conditions in the source system, you can use full extraction because it will extract all records from the source and place them in the destination.

When you finish the extraction process, you can export the data. The variables do not undergo any checks as they remain independent. There will always be full download of the current dataset. You can use full data extraction when you do not need to track changes from the previous extraction activity. All you may need is seamless access to the data.

Incremental Extraction

When we talk of incremental extraction, you can track the changes related to the data. The process ensures that the data gets extracted from the point when the last extraction happened. When the data gets extracted, the system will move into a data warehouse. The incremental extraction logic remains much more complex than full extraction.


However, one of the benefits of incremental extraction is that the system load does not remain high. When there is a reduced load, it leads to better and more efficient processes. The extracted data then gets fed into a data warehouse for further process. It will also have a reduced workload and helps improve overall efficiency.

What are the Advantages of Automated Data Extraction?

Here are the various benefits your business can enjoy with automated data extraction.

Improves Accuracy by Reducing Human Errors

Automated data extraction can improve accuracy by reducing human errors. When humans extract data, they often introduce errors in the process. It can be a simple typo or an incorrect assumption about data storage. Automated extraction removes this human element and ensures your data is accurate and consistent.


There are several other advantages to this method. One of the benefits is that it reduces the time spent on data entry, which can be very time-consuming. Automated data extraction also provides a consistent approach to extracting information.

Saves Time

Automated data extraction tools can significantly reduce the time it takes to extract data from documents or web pages compared to manual methods. This means you can use your existing staff in areas where they're needed more — like sales or marketing. When you need to gather large amounts of information from different sources, it can be incredibly time-consuming if you go about it the traditional way. 


For example, when you need to find out how many customers purchased a specific product over the last year, you could spend days going through each individual transaction entry. You can instead use automated data extraction software to pull this information together.

Enhances Employee Productivity

Automated data extraction improves employee productivity by reducing the amount of time employees spend on manual data processing. Your employees can focus more on essential aspects of their jobs. It also reduces the likelihood of errors that can happen due to manual data processing.

No longer do they need to spend hours manually entering data into spreadsheets or databases. They can instead identify trends and make decisions about business strategies. It will make them more efficient and successful at their jobs.

In addition, automated data extraction also helps with consistency. It's much easier to find errors when you have an automated system in place than it is when you're doing things manually.

Improves Operational Visibility

Automated data extraction improves operational visibility by providing real-time access to the data needed for decision-making. This reduces the time it takes to get information about your business and allows you to make decisions faster.


Automated data extraction analyses the content of your source files, automatically identify information from them, and extracts it into a database for easy retrieval. Instead of manually searching through the source files for specific information, you can just let the software do it for you.

Reduces Costs

You can use automated data extraction to save on labor costs by doing the work yourself rather than having to hire people to do it. It allows you to spend less money on labor and more on other aspects of your business. Automated data extraction also reduces costs because it allows you to scale up or down as needed. 

You do not have to worry about hiring additional employees to handle increased workloads as demand goes up or down. It becomes easy for you to manage your staffing levels without having to hire additional workers when demand changes. You will save time and money.

What is the Future of Data Extraction?

The future of data extraction is a bright one. Data extraction has been around for a while, but it's only recently that we've gotten to the point where it's possible to do so in a way that doesn't require human intervention. Data extraction is possible with the help of machines, which is exciting because it opens up opportunities for automation and efficiency.

The future of data extraction is going to be all about ensuring humans can take advantage of this technology and leverage it in ways they couldn't before. We will see more tools designed specifically for human users and more ways for humans to interact with machines without having to learn any code or complex programming languages. It will become than ever before for people who do not have technical backgrounds to get involved with data extraction projects.

Selecting Data from Multiple Tables

Let’s come back to one of the pertinent queries that we address through this article. We look at the operation that will allow you to extract data from multiple tables. When selecting data, you can specify the result tables. It is possible to select data from result tables even if there are two or more base tables. Similarly, the same is possible with two or more views or even when you have other result tables. 

The two methods for selecting data from multiple tables are: join and union. Join offers a result table with specified columns. The columns can be from two or more views, base tables, and even other result tables.

The union method offers a result table that comes from two or more result tables. It uses the union operator and removes duplicate rows that can be common within the result table. If you want to retain the duplicate rows in the result table, you need to select the ‘union all’ option.

Let Us Now Look at How you can Join Table and Use the Union Operator Function.

Joining Tables

Relational systems hold advantage over non relational systems in several ways. One of the reasons is the ability to join two or more tables or views. The feature makes it easier for you to retrieve data from multiple tables. You can then collate all the information and add it to one result table that has all the relevant data.

You can form a query to the implement the join and retrieve data from multiple tables. The ‘select statement’ includes columns from multiple tables. Similarly, the ‘from’ clause of the query adds naming to the tables. It also gets used as qualifiers in the select-statement.

The result table includes all the columns you specify in the ‘select’ form. For example, you may want to use the CUSTOMERS table to specify the column CUST_NO. Similarly, you may access the ORDERS table to select the column CUST_NO. The result will be a table that includes two CUST_NO columns. Both the columns will have their original table name.

When you perform a join, you can reference up to 20 tables. You may have a view with five tables. The FROM clause will allow you to name the view. You can also add 15 more tables.

Using the Union Operator

You can get a result table when you combine two other result tables with the help of union operator. The UNION has a set of rows with result tables R1 and R2. There are no redundant and duplicate rows in the results. The UNION table’s rows are either in R1 or R2. However, there is no naming convention for the columns of the result table.

Dealing with Duplicate Rows

When the values from the first row correspond with those in the second row, the two rows are duplicates. You can use the UNION function to eliminate the duplicates. The total rows available in R1 and R2 will be the same as the rows in the UNION table. It is without the count of duplicates. When you use the UNION ALL function, the duplicates will stay in the table.

Column Rules

R1 and R2 in the result table should have the same number of columns. The descriptions of the columns R1 and R2 should remain identical. Similarly, the data type and length should also be the same. The only exception is with the names of the columns. R1’s second column description should match with that of R2’s second column description.

Bottom Line

Data extraction is a critical area of data analysis and business intelligence. It's a vital tool for your business if you get buried under piles of data every day. Through data extraction, you can easily collect, extract and manipulate data. You can work with the information in a more convenient manner instead of using multiple tools to work with the information. It is best to have integrated solutions to manage the data and extract useful information from it. 

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