September 26, 2022

Accounting for Transportation Business : How to Make the Process Faster with IDP?

Accounting for the transportation and trucking business is particularly complex due to the high volume of freight bills, invoices, receivables, etc. This is the reason the industry is in dire need of an automation solution such as an IDP. Read ahead to learn more…

Businesses in the logistics industry have long faced challenges related to the unpredictability of operating expenses. Their profit margins and the profitability of their freight bids are extremely sensitive to changes in oil prices and shipping rates. 

Shipping firms also face intense customer pressure to meet the evolving demands of a highly digitized marketplace. As a result of today's impatient shoppers, services promising "next day delivery" or even "same day delivery" have become increasingly common. The Covid-19 outbreak may have sped up the trend toward online shopping, which means there will be a higher demand for things that can be supplied quickly. 

With the appropriate management software, you may shave off as much as 16 hours every month. With the right software at your disposal you can devote more time to fostering relationships with clients rather than worrying about paperwork.

What Exactly is Accounting for Transport Businesses?

Your freight rates should increase as your business does. Even yet, to establish a standard, it is necessary to analyze your historical freight expenditures in proportion to sales. 

The accounting for transportation business can be defined as the process of recording financial transactions pertaining to a business. The accounting process includes summarizing, analyzing, and reporting these transactions to oversight agencies, regulators, and tax collection entities with respect to transportation businesses. If your freight prices are rising faster than the market average, your operating expenses might be eating into your profits. For this reason, learning about, mastering, or outsourcing managed transportation services like freight and transportation accounting is crucial.

Let’s Discuss Some of the Cost Heads that Manual and Traditional Accounting for Transportation involves:

Invoicing for Shipping and Delivery Services

That's why it's crucial to save all of your shipping and freight receipts. Great freight management accounting is in high demand, and we're committed to meeting that need. 

Auditing Invoices

Auditing invoices:  Errors are more likely to occur in these types of organizations because of this, thus careful accounting must be done and invoices must match with the data supplied to prevent any mistakes from showing up in the final balance sheet. 

Payables Accounts

For businesses in a wide variety of sectors, including the transportation and trucking industries, we provide reliable and precise payables management services. 

Accounts Receivable

We also meticulously track any and all receivables that have been made or are still owed to us. We watch over the company's operations and keep things financially stable.

The traditional accounting system follows a systematic and comprehensive approach which is a cumbersome process that involves lengthy calculations. It also improves the scope of manual error and human errors. Hence in the era of digitalization the traditional system has to be enhanced and the new modern accounting softwares for transportation should be used.

There are 5 key Areas of Accounting that all Logistics Firms should Adhere to with Respect to Transportation. 

The following best accounting practises are essential for logistics organizations to successfully deal with rising demands and demand: 

1. Profits should be recorded only once the consumer has been given the means to exercise such control. 

Unless otherwise specified in the contract with the client, logistics businesses should not record income until the conditions for doing so have been satisfied. The shipping or transportation firm's performance duties will be spelled out in the contract. Revenue should be recognised either gradually or all at once, depending on the type of the item or service and the timing of when control is given to the buyer. 

A cruise ship company, for instance, might profit from delaying revenue recognition until after the passenger has fully enjoyed the service they purchased. Whereas a delivery service should record revenue when the client really has ownership of the products (e.g., when the delivery is complete). 

2. Maintain monthly accounting records 

Regular preparation of financial statements such as cash flow statements, income statements, and projections is essential. At the absolute least, they should be created on a monthly basis. In order to successfully manage the company's finances and avoid risk, logistics firms must stay on top of their large number of transactions. Having accurate and up-to-date financial records is essential for making good choices in a timely way. 

3. Follow the International Accounting Standards (IFRS) 

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is responsible for establishing IFRS (IASB). Their goal is to provide truthful, fair, and comparable financial statement preparation and disclosure recommendations for organizations throughout the world. The standards are principle-based, providing a worldwide framework that is widely considered to be the gold standard. 

Companies in the logistics and transportation industries, which often conduct business on a global scale and engage in cross-border transactions, have a special need to follow the IFRS. In addition, when all companies adhere to the same set of accounting rules, it's much simpler for potential investors to analyze a business's financials and find profitable deals. 

4. Comply with applicable local laws 

Logistics companies must follow not just IFRS but also any local rules that may affect their operations. Companies in the logistics and transportation industries must be familiar with the laws of every nation in which they do business and the laws of the country in which they file their annual reports. 

5. Make sure you're running the most recent version of accounting software

Many businesses today cling to on-premises accounting systems that were written decades ago and are just not up to the task of keeping up with the demands of the modern company. There is a growing volume of data that has to be carefully documented and analyzed so that it may be of service to the company and its stakeholders. Ineffective and inefficient decision-making may emerge from the inability of antiquated accounting systems to process large amounts of data. 

The latest generation of cloud-based accounting software includes cutting-edge tools like artificial intelligence and business intelligence. Such advanced technologies may streamline repetitive activities, encourage teamwork, and connect with other enterprise software to boost productivity. Companies in the logistics sector that process a wide variety and large volume of transactions might benefit greatly from adopting cloud-based technologies.

The Accounting Function Responsibilities for Transportation Businesses:

1) Set aside money in your budget every month for taxes 

The transportation businesses for accounting should set aside money for taxes so as to evade the extra tax limits for breaching time limits.

Financial preparation for tax season is an ongoing process. It's not as harmless as you may assume for a small firm to rush through its tax filings and financial statements right before the deadline. The best way to get ready is to make bookkeeping of transportation accounting for regular part of your business’s routine throughout the whole year.

2) Make a cash flow projection and statement

In the transportation and haulage industry, there are both predictable and unpredictable obstacles and possibilities. In the event of bad weather, not only do your operations become more complicated, but your suppliers may also have setbacks, and your existing clients may opt to increase their purchases. 

3) Maximize the use of working capital management 

The lifeblood of every firm is a steady stream of funds for operating expenses, employee wages, and other fixed expenditures. Capital refers to your company's accessible funds for paying these operational costs. Managing your working capital effectively ensures that your money is being put to good use. This resource allows you to increase profits by doing the following: 

  • Simplify processes 
  • Manage stock levels 
  • Accounts Receivable Management (money owed to you) 
  • Control the payables process (money you owe) 

Therefore, it facilitates payment of bills and furthers the development of your business. 

4) Optimal asset management 

Equipment, real estate, and investments are all examples of assets that might be liquidated to generate immediate funds. Location, usage, and modification history may all be monitored with the help of asset management. The accounting of transportation company’s needs, maintenance and upgrades that may be monitored with excellent and efficient document management platforms such as VisionERA.

How VisionERA is a Savior?

Regularly updating your software and platforms is an excellent method to ensure accurate accounting. Accounting software that is outdated and inefficient may slow down operations and prevent you from meeting changing expectations. 

Companies in the transportation industry must deal with a growing amount of digital information that must be accurately recorded and processed to function effectively in the current business environment, particularly in accounting. Inadequate accounting software may overlook critical data that might otherwise help you run your company more effectively. Accounting software will assist you in keeping track of all the moving pieces necessary to assess your business's financial well-being. In the era where digitalization is taking place at a rapid pace in every sector and niche, VisionERA is the best optimal solution provider of each and every problem that a transportation accounting firm can encounter such as- manual feeding of huge financial data, calculation of final amounts and so on. VisionERA integrates accounting software to streamline the tedious tasks associated with bookkeeping and tax filing.

VisionERA is ahead of the curve by automatically extracting, classifying, and validating data from an invoice or utility bill using intelligent document processing and then integrating that data into the ERP system. Invoice processing time is cut in half using VisionERA. Intelligent document processing allows for the automatic ingestion of data from invoices and utility bills and their integration with ERP systems.


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